Thursday, December 10, 2009


(1) It is almost certain that in our lives, sometimes we need to make difficult choices.
(2) These decisions that we chose unavoidably will effect our lifes. This is why some of us might be scared of what it may brings. We also need help from others to choose for us, even we know what we should take using our logic...most probably we don't want to take full blame if our decision go disarray.
(3) This sort of thing happens to everybody, including me.
(4) There are many steps to make decision. I will not elaborate about this, since many of us already know how. Some of you maybe more expert than I am. Or you can search internet to find those steps.
(5) In the end, after making all preparations and after choosing what's the best, one thing you must know is WHY YOU MAKE THAT DECISION. If you understand why you took your decision, you will not grief for whatever happen after. You can't expect everything will go on your way. All we can do is prepare the best.
(6) It's life, it can't be perfect isn't it?


  1. dalam hidup ini kita sentiasa mengharap apa yg akn berlaku akan datang sentiasa menyebelahi kita...kehidupan dan alam ini tuhan telah jadikan sempurna tetapi manusia yang telah menjadikannya tidak ideal pada manusia itu sendiri.Namun itu semuanya percaturan hidup supaya kita semua bijak membuat keputusan.BAGI AKU KEHIDUPAN INI MESTI DILALUI DENGAN BAIK,SETIAP MASALAH YANG KITA LALUI HARI INI AKAN JADI SEJARAH JUGA PADA KEESOKAN HARINYA,SO LALULAH JANGAN TAKUT DENGAN KEPUTUSAN ANDA.AKU SENTIASA PERCAYA BETAPA JAHATNYA DIRIKU INI TETAPI AKU MASIH HAMBA YANG SENTIASA DIRAHMATI OLEH ALLAH SWT.

